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5 Cons of Bariatric Surgery and How to Overcome Them

Is bariatric surgery the easy way out? Absolutely not! A Gastric Bypass or other weight-loss surgery is a brave, life-changing decision offering significant health benefits. But the post-surgery journey comes with challenges too. In this blog, we’ll explain 5 cons of bariatric surgery including effective solutions to help you navigate successfully.

Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

Before we dive into the cons of bariatric surgery, such as a Gastric Bypass, let’s highlight the benefits. Bariatric surgery leads to weight loss which helps you feel fitter and more energized. It can reduce or eliminate sleep apnea, high blood sugar, and fatigue. And very important - 95% of people with bariatric surgery see improved health and quality of life!

Let’s be Honest About the Cons of Bariatric Surgery

Before we dive into the cons of bariatric surgery, such as a Gastric Bypass, let’s highlight the benefits. Bariatric surgery leads to weight loss which helps you feel fitter and more energized. It can reduce or eliminate sleep apnea, high blood sugar, and fatigue. And very important - 95% of people with bariatric surgery see improved health and quality of life!

1.    Meeting Your Vitamin Intake

Post-surgery, your body absorbs nutrients differently and less well. This is because your digestive system has changed. Also, you eat less, leading to fewer nutrients. To meet your vitamin and mineral needs it is essential to eat a nutrient-rich diet and take bariatric vitamins. That can be challenging – especially since you need them every day for the rest of your life.

Tip: Choose WLS multivitamins tailored to your surgery type to get the right nutrients in the right dose. Struggling with taking your vitamins? Find effective tips here.

2.    Adjusting Your Diet and Eating Habits

You’ll need smaller portions due to your smaller stomach. But there’s much more, like avoiding drinking right after meals, meeting higher protein needs, and not taking calcium with your multivitamin. Also, it’s recommended to eat slowly, chew well, and experiment with food because you might not tolerate certain nutrition well. In other words, adapting to new eating habits can be tough!

Tip: Use an app like BariBuddy for help with new habits and healthy WLS recipes. Follow a guided eating schedule to ensure proper nutrient intake. Here you can find a sample meal plan, developed for weight-loss surgery.

3.    Experiencing Physical Struggles

Just as with every kind of surgery, you need time to recover from weight-loss surgery. Recovery from a Gastric Bypass or other type of bariatric surgery may take around 6 to 8 weeks. You might feel nauseous, tired, and low on energy. Even after recovery issues like nausea, dumping, hairloss and stool problems (constipation or diarrhea) can occur.

Tip: Give yourself time to get better and don’t compare your journey to others. Find helpful blogs below this article. If in pain or doubt, always contact your clinic or healthcare professional.

4.    Facing Emotional and Psychological Changes

With bariatric surgery, a lot will change, and that’s not only physical. Rapid weight loss can lead to emotional challenges because it takes time to get used to the new you and new life. You may struggle with body image, anxiety, or depression. Old traumas may resurface, or you might face different outcomes than expected. Also, if you’re struggling with emotional eating, you need a different copy strategy.

Tip: Seek support for your mental health, because it matters! Connect with others who have similar experiences online or through your clinic. Ask for professional guidance when needed.

5.    Social and Lifestyle Adjustments

Post-bariatric surgery, you’ll want to enjoy life, including dining out and attending events. Since bariatric surgery requires adjustments, social situations can be overwhelming and stressful in the early post-surgery stage. But because a stomach reduction is a lifelong commitment, you need to adapt it to your social environment.

Tip: Communicate your struggles and dietary needs to friends and family. Because even though people mean well, they don’t really know what you are going through. Join community groups to share tips and experiences. Look for restaurants offering smaller portions and accessible for special dietary needs.

You Have Our Full Support

We know the cons of bariatric surgery are real, but luckily there are solutions to navigate these challenges so you can enjoy a fulfilling, healthy life post-surgery.

You’re not alone, we are here to support you. With our BariBuddy app, that gets even easier. BariBuddy helps with vitamins, weight tracking, WLS recipes, useful tips, and post-care information. Furthermore, you can join our community to connect with other heroes on their post-surgery journey.

Don’t wait - join the tribe! Download the app for free here. 

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