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8 Secrets to a great WLS health routine

I think you’ll agree with us when we say: weight loss surgery can turn your life upside down. You're not only navigating the changes post-surgery but also adjusting to a new way your body functions. And while surgery is an important step, it's not the solution to lifelong weight management. That's where a WLS health routine comes in. But what does it look like? In this blog, we unveil 8 secrets for creating a health routine, tailored to weight loss surgery.

But before we reveal the top ingredients for a healthy WLS routine…

We know that it can be difficult to adapt your new healthy lifestyle on so many levels. Yet, a WLS health routine is essential, not only because of the changes to your body, but also due to the altered nutrient absorption. That’s why embracing consistent, healthy habits is not just beneficial, but crucial to your well-being. Now, let's delve into the secrets that will anchor your health routine.

1. Eat nutritional essentials but don’t diet

After bariatric surgery, following a new diet isn’t the goal. The goal is to feel healthier and more energetic with essential vitamins and minerals. Fill up on vegetables, fruits, complex carbs, and healthy fats. Stay away from saturated fats, sugar, processed and fried foods, and alcohol. Remember, after weight loss surgery, it's vital to increase your calcium and protein intake, either through your food or supplements. Prioritize protein in every meal and start with it to make sure you're well-nourished before you hit fullness.


2. Manage portion sizes and eat mindful

Besides eating 6 times a day, portion sizes and mindful eating are key after bariatric surgery. Your smaller stomach naturally helps control portions. But there's still a risk of overeating, which may cause dumping syndrome, nausea and weight regain. To prevent these, focus solely on your meal; eat slowly, chew thoroughly, and pause between bites by setting down your utensils. Listen to your body and stop eating as soon as you feel full.


3. Opt for the right daily supplements

Post-surgery, your body's ability to digest and absorb nutrients is altered, reducing the intake of vitamins and minerals from food alone. To bridge this gap, incorporate tailored WLS multivitaminscalcium, and protein supplements into your daily routine. It's vital to choose supplements specifically designed for your type of surgery to meet your unique, nutritional needs. Remember, consistency is key, take your vitamins daily to maintain your health.


4. Stay hydrated with water

Water is vital for preventing dehydration. A lack of it can leave you with headaches, fatigue, and nausea. In the long run, insufficient water intake can lead to health issues. Moreover, water is crucial for nutrient absorption in your small intestine. Aim for 1.5-liter water a day, taking small sips and don’t forget to keep fluids separated from food. If water feels heavily post-surgery, try sugar-free, non-fizzy drinks or green tea.


5. Maintain an effective exercise routine

Physical activity is a cornerstone of a healthy routine. It benefits your waistline, muscles, bones, heart, digestive system, and even your mental health. Go for a variety of exercises, including cardio, resistance training and flexibility workouts like yoga. Walking and cycling are also excellent. Always make sure that your exercise routine is safe and tailored to your post-surgery capabilities.


6. Ensure you get enough sleep

Sleep is essential for your body to heal, recover, and recharge after surgery. Quality sleep boosts your immune system and balances hormones, crucial for managing your weight and new eating habits. A good night’s rest isn't just refreshing; it's a health priority. Strive for regular sleep patterns by going to bed and waking up at consistent times daily.

7. Set realistic and small goals

Do you want to live a long, healthy, and happy life? Do you want to relax more and eliminate stress? These goals are great and admirable, and you can get there by setting small, achievable goals. Focus on daily objectives like including more vegetables in your meals and taking a mini-break every hour to stretch your legs. Small changes can lead to significant, rewarding results in the long run.

8. Track your progress to stay motivated

Often, we abandon routines because we don't see immediate results. However, even if you don't feel or see the benefits right away, your routine is working. Tracking your progress over time helps maintain motivation, especially during challenging periods. BariBuddy offers the support you need for a healthier life after weight loss surgery. Not only by providing tools to track weight and healthy recipes, but also with challenges with others on the same journey.

Ready for your new health routine?

Remember, these tips are starting points for your WLS health journey. The key is to find out how to do it in a way that works for you. Adopt habits that simplify sticking to your routine, like prepping meals ahead or previewing restaurant menus. And why not plan set times for workouts and pair up with a fitness buddy?

Do you have questions? Or are you seeking for personal advice to sustain a healthy lifestyle? Don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our dieticians are ready to assist.

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